Theorem: Relativity of Event Order

Suppose and are two inertial frames of reference and that is moving with constant velocity relative to .

Two events will be perceived in the same order in as they are perceived in if and only if the locations and and the times and at which they happen in obey


This means that it is possible for an event which happens after another event in to be perceived as happening before it in and vice versa.

Theorem: Relativity of Simultaneity

Suppose and are two inertial frames of reference and that is moving with constant velocity relative to .

Two events which happen at locations and and at times and in , will be perceived as simultaneous in if and only if

where is the speed of light in a vacuum.


This means that two events which are perceived as simultaneous in one inertial frame of reference need not be perceived as simultaneous in another and two events which are not simultaneous in one inertial frame of reference may be simultaneous in another:

  • Two events which happen at the same time in will also be perceived as simultaneous in if and only if their locations and in obey
  • Even if two events are not simultaneous in , they will be perceived as simultaneous in if they obey the first equation but not the second.