Combinations without Repetitions
Definition: Combination
Let be a finite set.
A combination of class is a subset of with elements.
If has elements, we also say a “combination of elements of class “.
A combination of class is just a way to pick elements of , irrespective of any order. You can imagine as a big box full of marbles, each marble with a unique colour. You grab a small bucket and dunk it inside the box. It fills up with marbles and you pull it out. Inside the bucket is now a combination of class . If you now put a lid on the bucket and shake it so that the marbles stay inside but shift their places around, you would still be considered to have the same combination.
Suppose .
The following are combinations of class :
The following are combinations of class :
Theorem: Total Number of Combinations
The total number of combinations of elements of class can be calculated the number of permutations of , and elements as follows:
Combinations with Repetition
Definition: Combination with Repetition
Theorem: Total Number of Combinations with Repetition
If is a set with elements, then the total number of combinations with repetition of class , denoted by is the total number of combinations without elements of elements of class .