Central Angles
Definition: Central Angle
Definition: Arc
An arc of a circle is a part of the circle bound between a central angle.
It is obvious that each central angle corresponds to a single arc and that each arc corresponds to a single central angle. Hence, we often use the terms “arc” and “central angle” interchangeably.
Inscribed Angles
Definition: Inscribed Angle
Let be a circle.
An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex lies on and whose rays intersect at differents point from the vertex.
Definition: Corresponding Arc
The corresponding arc of is thearc which does not pass through .
Definition: Corresponding Chord
The corresponding chord of is the chord which corresponds to ‘s corresponding arc.
Definition: Corresponding Central Angle
The corresponding central angle of is the central angle whose correspondingarcis the same as ‘s corresponding arc.
Theorem: Measure of Inscribed Angles
Let be a circle.
The measure of an inscribed angle is always half the measure of its corresponding central angle.
This means that inscribed angles which have the same correspondingarc/ chord / central angle are equal.
Theorem: Right Inscribed Angles
An inscribed angle has a measure of () if and only if its corresponding chord is a diameter.
Tangent Chord Angles
Definition: Tangent Chord Angle
Let be a circle.
A tangent chord angle or peripheral angle is an angle whose vertex lies on , whose one ray is a chord and whose other ray lies on a tangent line to .
Definition: Corresponding Arc
The corresponding arc of a tangent chord angle is thearcwhich lies in its interior.
Definition: Corresponding Central Angle
The corresponding central angle of a tangent chord angle is the central angle whose corresponding arc is the same as the corresponding arc of the tangent chord angle.
Theorem: Measure of Tangent Chord Angles
The measure of a tangent chord angle is always half of its corresponding central angle.
This means that all tangent chord angles with the same corresponding central angle are equal.
Interior Angles
Definition: Interior Angle
Let be a circle.
An interior angle is an angle whose vertex lies inside of and whose rays intersect .
Definition: Corresponding Arcs
The corresponding arcs of an interior angle are the arcs enclosed between its rays and the extensions of those rays.
Definition: Corresponding Central Angles
The corresponding central angles of an interior angle are the central angles with the same corresponding arcs as the interior angle.
Theorem: Measure of Interior Angles
The measure of an interior angle is always half of the sum of the measures of its corresponding central angles.
Exterior Angles
Definition: Exterior Angle
Let be a circle.
An exterior angle is an angle whose vertex lies outside of but whose rays intersect .
Definition: Corresponding Arcs
The corresponding arcs of an exterior angle are the arcs between the chords cut off by the angle’s rays.
Definition: Corresponding Central Angles
The corresponding central angles of an exterior angle are the corresponding central angles of its corresponding arcs.
Theorem: Measure of Exterior Angles
The measure of an exterior angle is always half of the difference between the measures of its corresponding central angles.