The Bulgarian Alphabet

The Bulgarian language uses an adapted version of the Cyrillic script with 30 letters.

LetterNameIPAEnglish Equivalent
А аа/a/, /ɐ/ or /ə/part
Б ббъ/b/ or /p/bake
В ввъ/v/ or /f/vehicle
Г ггъ/g/ or /k/goal
Д ддъ/d/ or /t/door
Е ее/ɛ/best
Ж жжъ/ʒ/ or /ʃ/treasure
З ззъ/z/ or /s/zoo
И ии/i/mean but short
Й йи кратко/j/yes
К ккъ/k/ or /g/cook
Л ллъ/l/, /ʎ/ or /ɫ/lead, ball
М ммъ/m/meet
N nнъ/n/no
О оо/ɔ/ or /o/order
П ппъ/p/ or /b/sport
Р рръ/r/No equivalent. Trilled like in the Spanish “perro”.
С ссъ/s/ or /z/snake
Т ттъ/t/ or /d/stop
У уу/у/, /o/ or /ʊ/boot but short
Ф ффъ/f/ or /v/fish
Х ххъonly slightly fricative /x/loch in Scottish English
Ч ччъ/t͡ʃ/cheap
Ш шшъ/ʃ/ or /ʒ/ship
Щ щщъ/ʃt/shtick
Ъ ъер голям/ɤ/, /ɐ/ or /ə/turn
ьер малък/j/canyon
Ю юю/ju/ or /jo/youth
Я яя/ja/ or /jɐ/yarn

Tip: Ер малък

The letter “ь” always follows a consonant and is always followed by “о”. It is used only the following cases:

  • In words which come from French where they end in “-eur”.
  • In the vocative of some nouns


The grave accent is used in the following cases:

  • To distinguish the possessive pronoun “ѝ” from the conjunction “и”.
  • To distinguish heteronyms such as “вълна̀” (wave) and “в̀ълна” by showing which syllable is stressed.
  • To distinguish the verb comparative particle “по̀” (more) from the preposition “по”.