Fixed-Length MACs
This is the most basic type of MAC system and uses Pseudorandom Function Generators (PRFGs). A fixed-length MAC uses keys and messages that are of the same length and also produce tags with length . Indeed, they are very limited because they require long keys for long messages and produce equally long tags which is a problem because bandwidth is limited. Nevertheless, fixed-length MACs can be used to implement more sophisticated and useful systems.
The signing algorithm of a fixed-length MAC can be any pseudorandom function generator where the secret key is used as the seed and the message is the input data block, i.e.
Since the signing algorithm is just a PRFG, this is a deterministic MAC system and so we can just use the trivial verification algorithm for , i.e.
fn Verify(key: str[n], message: str[n], tag: str[n]) -> bool {
generated_tag = Sign(key, message);
return generated_tag == tag;
Indeed, this construction turns out to be a secure MAC system so long as the PRFG used for signing is secure.
Proof: Security of Fixed-Length MACs
Despite being very limited themselves, fixed-length MACs can be used to construct much better MAC systems.
Theoretical Abritrary-Length MACs
Fixed-length MACs can be used to construct MACs with arbitrary message length. In particular, suppose that we are given a fixed-length MAC system which uses keys, messages and tags all with length . We can construct a MAC system which uses keys of length and messages of any length .
The algorithm takes a and a message . It then divides the message into blocks , each with length . If necessary, the last block is padded with zeroes. Subsequently, a message identifier , which is just a string of length , is randomly chosen. Each message is then signed separately. The tag of the -th message , where , is generated as by invoking on the concatenation of the message identifier , the total message length , the current block index and the block itself: , where the length and the index are both encoded as binary strings of length , since . The final tag for the message is the concatenation of the message identifier and all the tags for the separate message blocks, i.e. . The resulting tag has length .
fn Sign(key: str[n], message: str[l < 2^(n/4)]) -> str[n/4 + 4l] {
let blocks: Arr[str[n/4]] = message.split_with_length(n/4);
let d = blocks.count();
if blocks[d-1].length() != (n / 4) {
let message_identifier = random_string(alphabet: [0,1], length: (n / 4)); // Generate a random binary string with length n/4 for the message identifier r
let tags: Arr[str[n/4]];
let final_tag = message_identifier;
for (i, t) in tags.enumerate() { // Enumerate each tag t with its index i
t = Sign'(message_identifier + l.to_bits(length: n/4) + i.as_bits(length: n/4) + blocks[i]); // Parse l and i as binary strings of length n/4
final_tag += t;
return final_tag;
Unfortunately, we cannot use the canonical verification algorithm for this signing algorithm - uses randomness to generate the message identifier and is thus non-deterministic. Luckily, we can still use to construct a verification algorithm. In particular, takes the secret key , a message of length and a tag . The tag is then parsed as a message identifier of length and sub-tags of length , i.e. . Similarly, the message is divided into blocks of length (if necessary, the last block is once again padded with 0s).
First, checks if there are the same number of sub-tags as message blocks, since if there aren’t, it is trivial that the tag is invalid. If this check passes, uses to separately verify each message block with its corresponding sub-tag. Once again, the message identifier , the total message length and the index of the current block are prepended to the contents of the block before invoking .
fn Verify(key: str[n], message: str[l], tag: str) -> bool {
let blocks: Arr[str[l]] = message.split_with_length(n/4);
if blocks[blocks.count() - 1].length() != (n / 4) {
let message_identifier = tag.remove(0, n/4); // Extract the message identifier from the tag
let subtags = tag.split_with_length(n);
if blocks.count() != subtags.count() {
return false;
for(let i = 0;i < blocks.count(); ++i) {
if subtags[i] != Verify'(message_identifier + l.to_bits(length: n/4) + i.as_bits(length: n/4) + blocks[i]) {
return false; // If even a single tag does not match with its message block, the verification fails
return true;
Proof of security: TODO
This MAC system is not used in practice because it can be rather slow and still imposes certain limitations on the messages. Nevertheless, it is a good theoretical example that arbitrary-length MACs are possible.