Definition: Local Minimum
Let be a real scalar field.
We say that is a local minimum of if there is an open ball around where is the smallest funtional value.
We say that is a place of a local minimum for .
Definition: Global Maximum
Let be a real scalar field.
We say that is a local maximum of if there is an open ball around where is the greatest funtional value.
We say that is a place of a local maximum for .
Definition: Local Extremum
The local minima and local maxima of a real scalar field are collectively known as its local extrema.
Theorem: Finding Local Extrema
Theorem: Hessian Matrix Criteria for Local Extrema
Let be a real scalar field which is twice continuously partially differentiable in Cartesian coordinates on an open subset .
A critical point is:
a place of a local maximum if the Hessian matrix is negative-definite;
a place of a local minimum if the Hessian matrix is positive-definite;
a place of a saddle point if the Hessian matrix is indefinite;
If the Hessian matrix is semi-definite, then it cannot be used to make any predictions.