The Euclidean Topology

Definition: The Euclidean Topology

The Euclidean topology on the real vector space is the metric topology induced on it by the Euclidean metric.

The vector space equipped with its Euclidean topology is known as the -dimensional Euclidean space.

Theorem: Euclidean Space is a Smooth Manifold

The atlas whose only chart is , where is the identity function on the Euclidean space , is a smooth structure on and naturally makes it a smooth manifold.

Open Sets

Intuition: Open Balls in Euclidean Space

Let be an element of the Euclidean space .

An open ball of radius around contains all whose distance from is less than . It is essentially an -dimensional sphere which is centred at and has radius .

Tip: Open Sets in Euclidean Space

The open subsets of the Euclidean space are precisely the following:


Theorem: Connectedness of Euclidean Space

The Euclidean space is connected.

Theorem: Connectedness on the Real Line

All intervals and rays in the Euclidean space of the real line are connected.


Heine-Borel Theorem: Compactness in Euclidean Space

A subspace of the Euclidean space is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded.


Every closed interval of the Euclidean space is compact.