
Certain vulnerabilities allow the attacker to input encoded characters that possess special meanings in HTML and HTTP responses. Usually, such input is sanitised by the application, however, sometimes application developers simply forget to implement sanitisation or don’t do it properly.

Carriage Return (CR - \r) and Line Feed (LF - \n) can be represented with the following encodings, respectively - %0D and %0A.

CRLF injection occurs when a user manages to submit a CRLF (a new line) into an application. These vulnerabilities might be pretty minor, but might also be rather critical. The most common CRLF injections include injecting content into files on the server-side such as log files. Through cleverly crafted messages, an attacker could add fake error entries to a log and therefore make a system admin spend time looking for an issue that doesn’t exist. This isn’t really powerful in itself and is rather akin to pure trolling. Sometimes, however, CRLF may lead to HTTP Response Splitting.