Topological Subspaces

Theorem: Topological Subspace

Let be a topological space.

For every non-empty subset of , the collection

is a topology on .

Definition: Topological Subspace

The topological space is known as a subspace of .


Theorem: Openness in Topological Subspaces

Let be a subspace of a topological space and let be a subset of .

If is open in and is open , then is also open in .

Theorem: Closedness in Topological Subspaces (I)

Let be a subspace of a topological space .

A set is closed in if and only if it is the intersection of a closed set of with .

Theorem: Closedness in Topological Subspaces (II)

Let be a subspace of a topological space and let be a subset of .

If is closed in and is closed , then is also closed in .

Theorem: Base for Topological Subspaces

Let be a subspace of a topological space .

If is a base for , then the collection

is a base for .

Compactness of Subspaces

Theorem: Compactness of Subspaces

A subspace of a topological space is compact if and only if every cover of by open subsets in contains a finite subcollection which is also a cover of .


Let be a subspace of a topological space .

If is compact and is closed in , then is also compact.