
Definition: Increasing Function

A real function is increasing if, for all ,

Definition: Strictly Increasing Function

A real function is strictly increasing if, for all ,

Definition: Decreasing Function

A real function is decreasing if, for all ,

Definition: Strictly Decreasing Function

A real function is strictly decreasing if, for all ,

Definition: Monotonic Function

A real function is monotonic if it is (strictly) increasing or (strictly) decreasing.

Criteria for Monotony

Theorem: Monotony of Real Functions

Let be a real function which is continuous on a closed interval differentiable on the open interval :


Theorem: Bijectivity of Real Monotonous Functions

Let be a real function.

If is continuous and strictly monotonous, then is a bijective between and its image .

Theorem: Inverses of Strictly Monotonous Real Functions

Let be a real function.

If is continuous and strictly increasing (strictly decreasing), then its inverse is continuous and strictly increasing (strictly decreasing).

Theorem: Integrability of Monotone Functions

Every monotone real function on a closed interval is also Riemann-integrable on it.