Definition: Increasing Function
A real function is increasing if, for all ,
Definition: Strictly Increasing Function
A real function is strictly increasing if, for all ,
Definition: Decreasing Function
A real function is decreasing if, for all ,
Definition: Strictly Decreasing Function
A real function is strictly decreasing if, for all ,
Definition: Monotonic Function
A real function is monotonic if it is (strictly) increasing or (strictly) decreasing.
Criteria for Monotony
Theorem: Monotony of Real Functions
Let be a real function which is continuous on a closed interval differentiable on the open interval :
is increasing if and only if for all ;
is strictly increasing if and only if for all ;
is decreasing if and only if for all ;
is strictly decreasing if and only if for all .
Theorem: Bijectivity of Real Monotonous Functions
Let be a real function.
If is continuous and strictly monotonous, then is a bijective between and its image .
Theorem: Inverses of Strictly Monotonous Real Functions
Let be a real function.
If is continuous and strictly increasing (strictly decreasing), then its inverse is continuous and strictly increasing (strictly decreasing).
Suppose that is strictly increasing. To prove that is strictly decreasing, observe two with . Since is strictly increasing, we have . Let and , i.e. . Therefore, and and so for which means that is strictly increasing. The proof is analogous for when is strictly decreasing.
Theorem: Integrability of Monotone Functions
Every monotone real function on a closed interval is also Riemann-integrable on it.