Continuity of a Real Vector Function

Let be a real vector function.

We say that is continuous at iff its limit for is

or is an isolated point of .

We say that is continuous on if it is continuous at every .

Definition: Piecewise Continuity

Let be a real vector function.

We say that is piecewise continuous if can be expressed as the union of a finite collection of disjoint sets such that the restrictions are continuous.

Theorem: Continuity via Component Functions

A real vector function is continuous at if and only if its component functions are continuous at .

Theorem: Continuity via Limits of Scalar Fields

A real vector function is continuous at if and only if is an isolated point of or the following limit is zero.

Theorem: Properties of Continuous Real Vector Functions

If are continuous at , then so are and for all .

Theorem: Continuity of Composition

If and are continuous, then so is their composition .