Symbols and Alphabets

Definition: Alphabet

An alphabet is a set whose elements we call symbols.


Definition: Expression

Let be an alphabet.

An expression over is a tuple of symbols from .

Note: Strings

Expressions are also called strings.

Definition: Concatenation

Let and be two expressions formed from the same alphabet.

The concatenation of to is the expression obtained by listing the symbols of first and then the symbols of .


Definition: Well-Formed Formula

Let be a formal language.

A well-formed formula in is an expression in the alphabet which is considered valid under the syntax .


The term “well-formed formula” is often abbreviated to “wff”.

Definition: Syntax

Let be an alphabet.

A syntax is a set of rules that specify which expressions in are considered well-formed formulas and how to generate new wffs from existing ones.

Formal Languages

Definition: Formal Language

A formal language is an ordered pair consisting of an alphabet and a syntax .