
Definition: Union

The union of two sets and is the set which contains exactly the elements which are in , in or in both and .


Theorem: Cardinality of the Set Union

The union of two sets and has cardinality

Theorem: Commutativity of the Set Union

The union of two sets and is commutative.


Definition: Intersection

The intersection of two sets and is the set of all elements shared by and .


Theorem: Commutativity of Set Intersection

The intersection of two sets and is commutative.

Theorem: Associativity of Set Intersection

The intersection operation is associative for all sets :

Set Difference

Definition: Set Difference

The set difference of two sets and is the set which contains exactly the elements in which are not elements of .

Cartesian Product

Definition: Cartesian Product

The Cartesian product of two sets and is the set of all ordered pairs where and .


Theorem: Cardinality of the Cartesian Product

The Cartesian product of two sets and has cardinality

Distributive Laws

Theorem: Distributive Laws for Set Operations

The intersection, union and difference of all sets obey the following distributive laws: