
Definition: Riemann Sum

Let be a real function, let be a closed interval and let .

A Riemann sum of over is any sum of the form

where and .

Note: Choice of

Different choices for yield different Riemann sums.

Definite Integrals

Definition: Riemann-Integrability

A real function is Riemann-integrable on the interval iff all of its Riemann sums on have the same limit as approaches .

Definition: Definite Integral

If the aforementioned limit exists, then we call it the definite integral of over .


Improper Integrals

Notation: Improper Integrals

An improper integral is a definite integral for a real function on an open or a semi-open interval :

  • If where , the improper integral is defined through the left-sided limit

  • If where , the improper integral is defined through the right-sided limit

  • If where , the improper integral is defined through the limit

  • If where , the improper integral is defined through the limit

  • If , then for any choice of the improper integral is defined as

If the respective limit exists, then the improper integral is said to converge or simply exist. Otherwise, it diverges or does not exist.

Convergence Criteria
