Configurations of Lines and Circles

Theorem: Line and Circle Intersections

There are three possible cases for a straight line and a circle:

  • They have no points of intersections.
  • They intersect at one point.
  • They intersect at two points.

External Lines

Definition: External Line

Let be a straight line and let be a circle such that all points of circle

If all points of lie outside of , then is known as an external line for .

Theorem: External Lines in a Plane

If a straight line and a circle lie in the same plane and do not intersect, then is an external line for .

Tangent Lines

Definition: Tangent Line

A straight line is a tangent line to a circle iff they have only one point of intersection.



Secant Lines

Definition: Secant Line

A straight line is a secant line to a circle iff they intersect at two points.

