Scalar Line Integrals over Parametric Curves

Definition: Line Integral of a Scalar Field

Let be a real scalar field and let be a parametric curve which is continuously differentiable on and whose image is a subset of .

The line integral of along is the integral


If the image of is a closed curve, we write


Scalar Line Integrals over Geometric Curves

The following theorem makes it possible to provide an unambiguous definition of the line integral of a scalar field over a curve in .

Theorem: Line Integrals over Equivalent Parametrizations

Let be a simple curve in , let and be parametrizations of and let be a real scalar field.

If and are continuously differentiable on and , respectively, and are equivalent up to a continuously differentiable reparametrization, then the line integrals of along and are equal.

The aforementioned theorem guarantees that line integrals of a real scalar field over continuously differentiable, equivalent parametrizations of the same simple curve are equal. However, while some parametrizations may be equivalent amongst each other and some other parametrizations may also be equivalent amongst each other, this does not ensure that the two groups of parametrizations are all equivalent. But then how do we know which group to choose? Well, a very natural choice is based on the equivalence of regular injective parametrizations. Since these parametrizations are injective, scalar line integrals over them depend only on the intrinsic length of and not on the way these parametrizations trace out .

Definition: Scalar Line Integrals over Curves

The line integral of a real scalar field over a simple curve is defined as the line integral of over any injective parametrization of which is continuously differentiable on with a non-vanishing derivative:


Note: Generalization to Non-Simple Curves

If is not simple but can be represented as the union of finitely many simple curves such that and share exactly one point and this point is an endpoint for both and , then we define the line integral of over as the sum of the line integrals of over :

Notation: Line Integrals over Closed Curves

If is closed, we denote the line integral of over as one of the following: