
This is the most natural security definition for public-key encryption schemes, since the public key is available for anyone to see. Any realistic adversary would have access to it, and, since they know the encryption algorithm, they can use to encrypt any message they like. This is the reason why chosen-plaintext security is the minimal security guarantee which is expected of public-key encryption schemes.

Definition: CPA-Security

The efficient adversary is given the public key and can use it to encrypt messages of her choice to obtain their corresponding ciphertexts .

A public-key encryption scheme is CPA-secure if for any two messages , public key generated by and ciphertext which is the encryption of either or , the probability that Eve can guess whether belongs to or is at most negligibly greater than .

As with private-key CPA-security, any public-key encryption scheme must use a nondeterministic function.


There is no CPA-secure public-key encryption scheme with a deterministic encryption function .