Smooth Atlases

Definition: Smooth Atlas

An atlas is smooth iff all of its charts are -compatible.

Smooth Structures

Definition: Smooth Structure

A smooth structure on a manifold is a maximal smooth atlas.


Smooth structures are also known as differentiable structures.

Smooth Manifolds

Definition: Smooth Manifold

A smooth manifold is a manifold equipped with a smooth structure .


Although a smooth manifold technically has two components - a manifold and a smooth structure , - if is understood from context we usually this technicality and just call a smooth manifold.


Smooth manifolds are also known as differentiable manifolds.

Smooth Charts

Definition: Smooth Chart

Let be a smooth manifold.

A smooth chart is any chart contained in the smooth structure .

Definition: Smooth Coordinate System

The coordinate system of a smooth chart is known as a smooth coordinate system.