
Every private-key encryption scheme (yes, even perfectly secret ones) can be broken in the sense that you can find whether a ciphertext corresponds to or simply by trying all possible keys - an approach called a brute force attack.

def BruteForce(ciphertext, plaintext1, plaintext2):
	for key in [0..2^n - 1]:
		if Enc(key, plaintext1) == ciphertext:
			return plaintext1
		if Enc(key, plaintext2) == ciphertext:
			return plaintext2

The reason we are not really worried about this attack, which works for every cipher, is that it runs in exponential time - the for loop will execute number of times in the worst case scenario and on average it will run number of times in order to crack a given ciphertext. This means that as the key gets longer and longer, the number of times that the for loop needs to execute on average to crack a given ciphertext gets larger and it does so very fast. In essence, this is a strategy which always works but is very slow. A key length of just 256 bits means that the algorithm will need to run number of steps to crack a given ciphertext on average which is practically impossible for even the most powerful supercomputers.

Therefore, we know that the problem of cracking a ciphertext encrypted with a given -bit key is solvable (i.e. there is an algorithm to do it) in exponential time - it takes number of steps to execute. This makes it an NP problem.

However, it can be shown that if any NP problem can be shown to have an algorithm which executes much faster (i.e. in polynomial time) and is thus a P problem, then all NP problems can be solved much faster. This is called the hypothesis and remains unproven and with little evidence to speak for it so far. What it entails, however, is that cryptography is basically useless if it turns out to be true, for it means that the brute force attack can also be sped up drastically - instead of steps to execute, it will be able to run in or or maybe even steps, all of which are much smaller than .