Definition: Real Cross Product

The cross product of two real vectors and in is defined as the vector

Theorem: Magnitude of the Cross Product

The magnitude of the cross product is

where is the angle between and .

Theorem: Direction of the Cross Product

The cross product is orthogonal to both and .

Tip: Right-Hand Rule

The direction of the cross product can be determined by the right-hand rule - if you point your index finger in the direction of and your middle finger in the direction of and then your thumb will point in the direction of if you stick it out.

Theorem: Self-Product of the Cross Product

The real cross product of a vector with itself is .

Theorem: Anticommutativity of the Cross Product

The real cross product is anticommutative:

Theorem: Jacobi Property of the Cross Product (Non-Associativity)

The real cross product is not associative but satisfies the Jacobi property:

Theorem: Distributivity of the Cross Product

The real cross product is distributive over vector addition:

Theorem: Compatibility of the Cross Product

The real cross product is compatible with scalar multiplication: