Variations without Repetitions
Definition: Variation of a Finite Set
Let be a finite set.
A variation of class is a permutation of a subset of with elements.
Note: Terminology
If has elements, we also say a “variation of elements of class “.
Variations of class are unfortunately also called permutations of class .
A variation of class is a way to arrange exactly of the elements of . You can also think of it as a way to choose elements of in a specific order. If you pick the same elements but in a different order, you will have different variations.
Since a set does not contain duplicate elements, repetitions are not allowed - you cannot choose the same element from multiple times in the same variation.
Suppose .
The following are different variations of class 3:
The following are different variations of class 4:
The following are not variations:
Theorem: Number of Variations
The total number of variations of elements of class is
It is also given by the ratio of the total number of permutations of elements to the total number of permutations of elements.
Variations with Repetition
Definition: Variation with Repetition
Theorem: Total Number of Variations with Repetition
If is a set with elements, then the total number of variations with repetition of of class , denoted by is .
Since this number depends only on and , but not on the elements of , we usually denote it as