Local Extrema

Definition: Local Minimum

Let be a real function.

We say that has a local minimum at if there is some such that

This local minimum is .

Definition: Local Maximum

Let be a real function.

We say that has a local maximum at if there is some such that

This local maximum is .

Definition: Local Extremum

The local minima and maxima of a function are known as its local extrema.

TODO: Add Diagram

Global Extrema

Definition: Global Minimum

Let be a real function.

We say that has a global minimum at if

This global minimum is .


There cannot be more than one value for the global minimum, but there may be multiple places in the domain of the function where said minimum occurs.

Definition: Global Maximum

Let be a real function.

We say that has a global maximum at if

This global maximum is .


There cannot be more than one value for the global maximum, but there may be multiple places in the domain of the function where said maximum occurs.

Definition: Global Extremum

The global minimum and maximum of a function are known as its global extrema.

Finding Extrema

Theorem: Critical Points and Local Extrema

Let be a real function.

All local extrema of occur at critical points of .

Theorem: Criteria of the First Derivative

If is continuous and differentiable at a critical point , then:

Theorem: Criteria of the Second Derivative

If is continuous and twice differentiable at a critical point , then:


If or is not twice differentiable at , then may or may not have a local extremum at , but we cannot use the second derivative to verify this.

Algorithm: Finding the Extrema of a Function

Requirements: is continuous.

  1. Determine the critical points of by solving and also seeing where is not differentiable.
  2. Use the above criteria to check at which critical points has local extrema.
  3. Evaluate at the places of its local extrema to obtain the values of the local minima and local maxima.
  4. Evaluate at the following locations:
  • If where , evaluate and ;
  • If where and , evaluate and ;
  • If where and , evaluate and ;
  • If where and , evaluate and ;
  • If is a union of disjoint intervals , then perform Step 4 separately for each interval.
  1. Compare the local extrema of with the values from Step 4: