
Definition: Continuity of Real Functions

A real function is continuous at if its limit as approaches is exists and is equal to its value for :

If is continuous at every , then we say that is continuous on . If , then we simply say that is continuous.


Theorem: Operations with Continuous Functions

If are two continuous functions, then so are

  • for all ;

  • ;

  • provided that for all ;

  • provided that .

The Extreme Value Theorem

Let be a real-valued function on a closed interval .

If is continuous on , then there exist at least one and at least one such that


This theorem says that if a function is continuous on a closed interval, then it has a minimum and a maximum value on it.

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The Intermediate Value Theorem

Let be a real function on a closed interval .

If is continuous on , then for every between and , i.e. , there exists an such that .


The theorem says that if a function is continuous on a closed interval, then it must generate all values between the values on the interval’s endpoints.

Bolzano's Theorem

Let be a real function on a closed interval .

If is continuous on and and (or vice-versa), then there exists at least one such that .

Theorem: Integrability of Continuous Functions

Let be a real function on a closed interval.

If is continuous, then it is also Riemann-integrable.