Theorem: Matrix Representation of a Linear Transformation

Every linear transformation from the vector space in the vector space can be represented as a matrix .

Let and be ordered bases of and , respectively. For every , we have

where is the coordinate vector of with respect to and is the coordinate vector with respect to of the vector which is the result of applying to .

Warning: Dependence on the Choice of Bases

The matrix depends on the choice of and - different bases will make the coefficients of different. To make this clear, we usually denote as .

Algorithm: Finding the Matrix Representation

Let and be two vector spaces and let be a linear transformation from to .

We want to find the matrix representation with respect to the bases of our choice - for and for .

  1. Determine the effect of on the elements of , i.e.

  1. Determine the coordinate vector of with respect to .
  • There is no general process for this - it is different for each vector space.

  1. Construct by using the coordinate vectors as its columns: