Definition: Vector Function
A vector function is a real vector-valued function whose domain is a subset of a real vector space .
Notation: Multivariate Notation and Coordinate Representations
Strictly speaking, a real vector function takes a vector and outputs another vector . However, since vectors live as a points in Euclidean space, they can be uniquely represented by coordinates.
Although the action of is independent of the choice of coordinate systems for and ( and are the same vectors, regardless of how we choose to represent them), many definitions involving , such as differentiability and integrability, do depend on the choice of a coordinate system for the input space . Indeed, it would be more appropriate to formulate such definitions about the coordinate representations of in the chosen coordinate systems. However, this formality gets very cumbersome very quickly.
Hence, if the coordinates of in a given coordinate system are , then instead of writing for the coordinate representation of , we can just write , as long as it is clear which coordinate system we are using. If there is no particular coordinate system specified, then we usually assume that those are Cartesian coordinates.
This is why vector functions are often called multivariate functions.
Note: Component Functions
The component functions of are real scalar fields.