Theorem: Differentiability of Parametric Curves

Let be a parametric curve and let be an accumulation point of .

Then is differentiable at if and only if the following limit exists

Definition: Derivative of a Parametric Curve

The derivative of at is the limit

provided that it exists.

If there is no specific mentioned, then “derivative” refers to the function which to each assigns the aforementioned limit (if said limit exists).


Tip: (Continuous) Differentiability of Curve Parameterisations

A curve parameterisation is -times (continuously) differentiable if its -th order derivative exists (and is continuous).

Tip: Piecewise (Continuous) Differentiability of Curve Parameterisations

A curve parameterisation is -times piecewise (continuously) differentiable if can be expressed as a disjoint union such that the restrictions are -times continuously differentiable.

Tip: Smoothness of Curve Parameterisations

A curve parameterisation is smooth if it is -times continuously differentiable for all .

Tip: Piecewise Smoothness of Curve Parameterisations

A curve parameterisation is piecewise smooth if can be expressed as a union of a finite collection of intervals such that the restrictions are smooth.