
Definition: Metric

Let be a set.

A metric on is a real-valued function which has the following properties for all :

  • Identity of indiscernibles: with

  • Symmetry:

  • Triangle inequality:

Definition: Open Ball

Let be a metric space.

The open ball of radius around a given is the set of all elements in which are a distance less than from .

Metric Spaces

Definition: Metric Space

A metric space is a set equipped with a metric on it.

The Metric Topology

Theorem: The Metric Topology

Let be a metric space.

The collection of all open balls in forms a base .

Definition: Metric Topology

The topology is known as the metric topology induced on by .

Corollary: Open Sets in the Metric Topology

Let be a metric space and let be the topology induced on it by .

A subset of is open if and only if for each there exists an open ball which is contained entirely in .


Theorem: Metric Spaces are Hausdorff Spaces

Every metric space is a Hausdorff Spaces.

Theorem: First-Countability of Metric Spaces

Every metric space is first countable.

Theorem: Convergence of Sequences in Metric Spaces

Let be a metric space with its metric topology.

A sequence converges to some if and only if for each open ball around , there exists some such that for all .