The Imaginary Unit
Definition: The Imaginary Unit
The imaginary unit is a number with the property
Imaginary Numbers
Definition: Imaginary Number
An imaginary number has the form , where is the imaginary unit and is a real number.
Complex Numbers
Definition: Complex Number
A complex number has the form , where is the imaginary unit and are real numbers.
Complex numbers are usually denoted by .
The set of all complex numbers is denoted by .
Definition: Real Part
The real part of a complex number is .
Definition: Imaginary Part
The imaginary part of a complex number is .
The Complex Plane
Complex numbers can be plotted on a plane where the horizontal axis contains the real numbers and the vertical axis contains the imaginary numbers.
Definition: Modulus (Absolute Value) of a Complex Number
The modulus (or absolute value) of a complex number is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of its real and imaginary parts
Theorem: Triangle Inequality for Complex Numbers
Definition: Argument of a Complex Number
The argument of a complex number is the angle between and the real axis in the the complex plane.
By convention, the argument lies in the range . Positive angles are assigned to numbers of the real axis and negative angles are assigned to numbers below it.
The Forms of a Complex Number
Definition: Cartesian Form of Complex Numbers
The cartesian form of a complex number is just its usual form .
Definition: Polar Form of a Complex Number
Definition: Exponential Form of a Complex Number
The exponential form of a complex number is , where is the magnitude of and is its argument.
Form Conversions
Theorem: Cartesian Polar
Theorem: Polar Cartesian