Definition: Field
A field is an integral domain where each nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse, i.e. for each there exists an element such that
Theorem: Uniqueness of Multiplicative Inverses
The multiplicative inverse of an element in a field is unique.
Suppose there were two multiplicative inverses and .
Since is a multiplicative inverse, we have
Similarly, since is a multiplicative inverse, we have
Combining the two equations, we obtain
Multiply both sides by - it does not matter whether we multiply from the left or from the right, since multiplication in integral domains is commutative.
We now avail ourselves of the associativity of multiplication.
Fields as Vector Spaces
Theorem: Fields as Vector Spaces
Every field with is a vector space over itself.
Ordered Fields
Definition: Ordered Field
An ordered field is a field with a total order which for all satisfies
If , then ;
If and , then .
We write , if and .
The notations and stand for and , respectively.